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Harnessing Creativity




Special consideration has been taken to create a loving and nurturing home like environment. The care intimate care we provide our infants enables new parents to leave their “little ones” with a sense of security and peace of mind. Each infant will follow an individualized feeding and sleep schedule as established by their parent or “reestablished” by the infant as he or she adjusts to their new environment. There are many stimulating and fun toys, plus play areas specifically designed for this early stage of development. Story times and music are incorporated throughout each and every day. Parents are welcome to call at any time to inquire about their baby’s activities. Care givers maintain written logs on each child’s daily activities and confer with parents to assure developing babies changing needs are met.



We recognize that this is a time that learning needs to also provide a balance between a toddler’s need for security and their growing independence. That is why our daily routine is flexible; allotting the most time for “Free Play” and many first hands on experiences with creativity, dance, and music. Since toddlers are learning with their whole bodies, there are multiple opportunities for physical, tactile, and sensory play throughout the day. Language and communication skills are also strengthened as toddlers build on their vocabulary daily. Our goal is not to direct and instruct but to provide encouragement and reassurance as children explore their environment and develop a sense of self.




The main goal of our Preschool curriculum is to make the first school-like experience of following a routine a positive and fun one, prepare children for Kindergarten, and to be life-long learners in today's modern world.By stressing individuality, allowing children to make choices and help plan their activities, students are encouraged to become more independent thinkers and problem solvers. Our spacious play-scape enables a large variety of Learning Centers, which include, Family Life and Dramatic Play, Art & Creativity, Music & Movement, Science & Nature, Blocks, and Book area.  All of these work cohesively in building the foundations for the child’s cognitive, physical, social emotional, and language development.


As in all of our programs, monthly theme music and an assortment of special enrichment experiences are included throughout the curriculum.



Parents/Guardians will need to arrange back up care for days the daycare will be closed in observance of normal statutory holidays.  RATES ARE NOT ADJUSTED FOR HOLIDAY CLOSINGS.  The daycare is closed on the following paid holidays:



  • Day After Thanksgiving

  • Christmas Eve

  • Christmas Day

Also, on New Years Eve, the daycare will close at 12:30pm.



  • New Years Day

  • Presidents Day (Washington’s Birthday)

  • Good Friday

  • Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday

  • Memorial Day

  • Fourth of July

  • Labor Day

  • Columbus Day

  • Veteran’s Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

*** Note:  If any of these days change, you will be notified as soon as possible.  Any additional closings outside of holidays will be announced.

Here are a couple of questions we hear

quite often …



You said, “children learn best through play…is this really true?”


Although it may be difficult for parents to break away from the “drill and practice” teaching methods of the past, young children learn more when allowed to move at their own pace in a relaxed, yet, engaging environment. For example, Children playing blocks in the “block area” is more than stacking blocks.  They are actually developing numerous skills, such as language development, social skills, problem-solving, innovation, engineering, mathematics, sorting, counting, color and shape recognition, etc.  (but they’re having a blast doing it)

“Do You Teach Reading and Writing?”


Absolutely! At Peas in a Pod we intentionally create a language and print-rich environment in each of our learning centers. We do not instruct the entire group to sit and trace letters, as this is inappropriate for preschoolers; however, the children are exposed to reading and writing all day, every day. Through story-telling, dictation, experience charts, journaling, songs, circle time, and, many other activities. We nurture your child to develop a love for reading and writing.


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